Supplying Technologies
Vertex II IT Solutuons professionally managed, fast growing midsized Indian IT/Communication System Integration Company
Its Headquarters located at House No. 211, Patoli Morh Old Janipur, Janipur
Large part of our revenue in the recent past has been released from Govt. Clients from the Defense & Security segment in particular.
Business Focus
- Consulting & Designing IT Infrastructure Solution
- Multi-technology, multi location Systems Integration coupled with onsite warranty & AMC Services Integrators.
- Security & Surveillance Solutions
- Reselling of IT and Telecom Hardware & System Software
Vision & Values
To attain a position of leadership in providing technically competent solutions, leading to enhanced business competence for clients, through a team of skilled and motivated personnel for overall profitability and the satisfaction.
Honesty Integrity Excellence Trust
With our partners, customers and employees.
Following the highest ethical standards adhering to all legal compliances.
- Doing each job right and continuously improving how we work.
- Developing the right skills
- Pursuing and leveraging new technologies.
Meeting our commitments to our customers Reliability in our performance and business practices.
Why Vertex II IT Solutions
We consider the technical enterprise of our Engineers and solution architects our biggest asset. Year over year our client satisfaction reports show that Vertex II IT Solutions Knowledge technical expertise and excellent project Management skill is the number one reason, clients recommended Vertex II IT Solutions. The project skill level is built to deliver the best value using a proven methodology of teaming with premier partners providing multiple skill sets and creating value based long term relationship with clients.
Vertex II IT Solutions focus is to provide a long term I.T. partnerships with our clients. Most of our client relationships have been for at least ten years, many much longer. These long term relationships allow us to understand our clients' unique needs and requirements and provide a high level of service. We believe we can provide cost effective service & support allowing you to get the best from your I.T. investment.